How to Apply 


 for Assistance 

The Arkansas Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF) is a federally-funded program helping Arkansas residents who are behind on their mortgages, electricity, gas and/or internet payments. HAF offers both Mortgage Reinstatement, which provides funds to eliminate or reduce past due payments and other delinquent amounts, and Utility/Internet/Broadband Payment Assistance, which provides funds to resolve delinquent payments for utility and/or internet access services, to low- to moderate-income homeowners impacted by COVID-19.



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Gather required documents




Track application

Required Documents:

Examples include a Driver’s License, Passport, State Identification Card, Voter Registration Card, Library car, Student ID, Social Security Card, Military ID, Naturalization certificate, Lawful permanent residency card, Employment authorization document, etc. If your document includes an expiration date, it must not be expired at the time of application.

If applying for mortgage reinstatement, documents from each mortgage lender demonstrating delinquency. The document(s) must:

    • Be your most recent statement at the time of application.
    • Show a delinquency of 2 or more payments past due.
    • Be legible/clear and contain the entirety of the document.
    • Contain:
      • Borrower, Co-Borrower, Spouse’s name
      • Property address
      • Servicer’s name
      • Loan number
      • Amount past due
      • Payment address

Examples: Most recent mortgage statements or letters from mortgage holders, etc. Click here to view an example mortgage statement.

If applying for utility/internet/broadband payment assistance, utility statements, such as electric, gas, home energy, water, or internet service, including broadband internet access service. The document(s) must:

    • Be your most recent statement at the time of application.
    • Show a delinquency of 2 or more payments past due.
    • Be legible/clear and contain the entirety of the document.
    • Provide one for each type of assistance requesting (i.e. – electric, gas, propane, water, or internet service, including broadband internet access service)
    • Contain:
      • Borrower, Co-Borrower, or Spouse’s name
      • Property address
      • Provider’s name
      • Account number
      • Monthly payment amount
      • Payment due date
      • Payment due amount
      • Payment address


Both a Financial Hardship Statement and Third-Party Authorization Form will be available to complete within the portal and sign via DocuSign.

Additional Supporting Documents:

We may be able to verify this on our own based on your County Assessor’s records. If convenient, feel free to provide additional support in the form of the following examples: Cash Deed, Bill of Sale, Property Tax Assessment, Print out from the County Assessor’s website. This is not required to submit your application for review.

We may be able to satisfy this requirement on our own based on county/census tract data. If unable to do so, we will request income documentation upon submission.

If available, it is preferred to provide a Federal Tax Return for both the Borrower and Co-borrower for the time of hardship (i.e. – if the hardship started in 2020 and continued in 2021, either a 2020 or 2021 Tax Return would suffice).

We will also accept the Borrower’s and Co-borrower’s most recent tax filing supplemented with a self-certification attesting stating no substantial change in income has taken place since.

If neither of these are available, we will accept other documents to substantiate monthly income for the last 60 days, such as paystubs, W2s, Social Security Statements, Unemployment Statements, etc.

If the Borrower or Co-Borrower does not have any income, the Borrower can provide a signed copy of the Zero Income Form for that household member.

If the Borrower or Co-Borrower is self-employed, the Borrower can provide a signed copy of the Self-Employment Form along with supporting documents for that household member.

LIHEAP payment assistance covers the following utility types: electric, fuel/oil, natural gas, propane, wood and/or pellets. It does not cover expenses such as water, sewer, internet or broadband. If you are applying for utility assistance for any of the LIHEAP covered utility types, you must apply for LIHEAP before applying for HAF. Once you are served or denied under LIHEAP, they will provide a Notice of Action Form which will indicate either your denial or that you require more assistance than LIHEAP could provide. This will then allow you to be served under HAF.

Arkansas Development Finance Authority

The Arkansas Homeowner Assistance Fund is administered by the Arkansas Development Finance Authority.

Before you proceed...

The following items will be helpful to have on hand to complete your application:

  • Valid Identification for Application (and spouse/co-borrower, if applicable)
  • Federal Tax Return for Applicant for Year of Hardship (and spouse/co-borrower, if applicable)
  • Proof of Homeownership
  • Mortgage/Utility/Internet Statements Displaying Delinquency 


Understood. Take me to the application.


If you would like more information regarding documents needed to apply, please review the HAF Document Checklist.

If you are looking to apply for Utility Payment Assistance but have not yet applied for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), please visit the Arkansas Energy and Environmental Quality website for program information and instructions on how to apply. This is a requirement to pre-qualify for Utility Payment Assistance under HAF.